Hair loss can be an agonizing experience in both women and men. Baldness in varying degrees is usually attributed to ‘Patterned hair loss’ which is mainly hereditary (androgenetic alopecia). One important point to be noted is that repeated shampooing of hair is not the main cause of hair loss. Neither is it attributed to wearing helmets, caps or hats. Hair loss occurs naturally everyday with the loss of about 50 to 100 hairs in everybody and is not of any concern. Hair Transplant in Bangalore is actually possible. And now the hunt for the Best clinic for Hair Transplant in Bangalore begins.
Whatever might be the reason, hair loss is definitely alarming since it involves the visible aspect of a person’s outlook. Therefore people evince a lot of interest in matters pertaining to hair In India, hair care is evident with a majority of people applying oil to their hair on a daily basis. In fact it is a routine part of their lifestyle. Women in India are proud to possess long and flowing hair. Long hair is considered an asset among women in many Indian towns and cities. Men also tend to care a lot for their hair by frequent application of oil and constant combing. The amount of prominence given to hair care is apparent. In such a scenario, Hair loss treatment in Bangalore is really a boon.
When people start getting bald, they tend to explore various other options to regain their natural look. For Hair Transplant in India, surgery is a relatively new phenomenon, but the concept is catching up rapidly. There are quite a few tested techniques involving Hair Transplant in Bangalore and one of them is the Strip Method. In this process of Hair loss treatment in Bangalore, a piece of skin in the form of a strip is used for harvesting hair taken from the donor sites. Hair thus harvested is then divided into grafts and then these grafts are implanted in the recipient site of the scalp.
This process is a minor surgery; usually out-patient based involving about 4- 8 hours. Post operation, only the site from where the strip of skin is taken, i.e. the donor site will involve bandaging, whereas the scalp doesn’t require any dressing at all. This process is ideal for persons with hereditary baldness and also for people who have lost hair due to accidents, burns or any scars. It is also advisable for Hair loss treatment in Bangalore for beard and moustache thickening apart from restoring eyelashes and eyebrows. Another technique to harvest the hair from the scalp is Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE).Yet another technique for Hair Transplant in Bangalore is Body hair transplant where hairs is extracted from places like chest, back portions, limbs and also beard due to the fact that there is less donor hair in the scalp. In this hair transplantation method, hair starts growing slowly and sometimes takes even a year to yield maximum benefit.
One of the best places for Hair loss treatment in Bangalore is Midas Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, where expert Cosmetic surgeons suggest applications to be used externally in order to rekindle the growth of hair for adults. These applications are supposed to be used on the scalp portion in order to ensure hair growth. One such application is Minoxidil which must be repeatedly used in order to prove effective. Medications to be taken orally are also advised such as Finesteride for men. Females arestrongly advised not to use this oral application. Long-term usage of this medicine is recommended in order to prove effective. Midas Cosmetic Surgery Clinic is a pioneer in the field of Hair Transplant in Bangalore and is also known to be one of the Best clinic for Hair Transplant in Bangalore.
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