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Affordable and Best FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Bangalore

FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is the process of collection of hair grafts from the head of the  person from the sides or the back. The hair is first shaved in order to remove it effectively.  Usually, around 2500-3000 grafts are harvested in a single session. 1mm diameter scars, which in fact look like small dots are noticed after this process is done. In fact, compared to FUT technique,  FUE results in more number of scars, but it’s hardly visible, as it is not done in a straight line. Transplanting  FUE lasts for about 8 hrs. All the patient has to do is to lie down on the  face or sit upright with the head bent, in order to remove grafts. Recovery time is very fast in 5-7 days. There are no stitch marks present and only tiny little dots are visible around the  scalp portion. The Best FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Bangalore is dependent on the number of  grafts harvested. FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction involves harvesting the follicular units which are grafted in  groups of around 1-3 hairs each. For determining the Best FUE Hair Transplant Cost in India,

FUE Hair Transplant
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harvesting is done with the aid of a small punch whose size is less than 1 millimeter.  Wherever  there is thinning or balding of hair, these grafts are deftly and meticulously placed by the expert  surgeon with the help of a Micro-forceps. Some surgeons also make use of other devices like Hans implanter or the Choi implanter pens. FUE technique has an added advantage over the FUT technique since it is minimally invasive. In case of FUT, a strip is removed from the scalp through dissection and then it is closed surgically through sutures or staples.

FUE Hair Transplant
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FUE is lesser invasive surgically and is considered as a better alternative. Moreover, the scar left behind in a single line through the FUT technique is absent in FUE. In spite of technological advancements, FUT will always leave behind a linear scar. Sometimes healing process may get delayed through FUT technique. Though FUE leaves behind some scars, these are only tiny dots which are less visible and if the patient wears cropped hair, these dots are hardly noticeable.

FUE Hair Transplant
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Now, the question is about the Best FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Bangalore. Many patients are  anxious to know about the cost per graft. Since hair restoration is a complex process, everything depends on the physiological and physical condition of the patient who wants to undergo a FUE hair transplant. Well, it all depends on the dexterity, the skill and training of the Surgeon who is performing the transplant. Hair transplantation involves not only the surgeon but also the whole team of highly qualified technicians who are supposed to deal with the hair follicles. The costs are variable since the same technique is not applicable to every patient. There are so many complexities involved in hair transplantation that it is difficult to arrive at an estimate, unless the  seen in person. Since the Best FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Bangalore at Midas Hair Clinic also involves helping the patients to regain their confidence and boost their morale, the noted and renowned surgeon, Dr. Madhukumar, takes immense interest in each and every case and carefully records the needs and aspirations of the patient.

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